Employee Ethics & Public Records Management
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Updated July 2018
University of Wisconsin System employees are subject to ethics rules covering use of university
resources, conflicts of interest, and acceptance of gifts. As a general rule, an employee may not
use his or her university position to gain private financial or other benefits for the employee, the
employee’s immediate family, or organizations with which they are associated.
Use of University Resources
University resources such as office supplies, letterhead, meeting rooms, and work time may be
used only for university purposes. While you may use your university phone and email for
minimal personal use consistent with university policies, employees are encouraged to use
private accounts for personal matters and limit use of their university email accounts for
university business. Personal emails using a university email account may be subject to and/or
reviewed in response to subpoenas and public records requests. Please note, that University
email or texts sent on personal accounts will be subject to public records requests.
Outside Activities
If you have an opportunity to perform consulting or other activity for an outside organization that
is related to your university responsibilities, you must report the opportunity through your
institutions outside activity reporting process.
Personal Relationship with Vendors
If you have a personal or familial relationship with a vendor who is doing business with your
department or work area, you must disclose that relationship to your supervisor so that steps can
be taken if necessary to minimize or remove any potential conflict of interest.
Vendor-Sponsored Conferences
If you wish to attend a vendor-sponsored conference and are in a position to approve or influence
the universitys decision to award contracts for products or services provided by the vendor, the
university should pay all the necessary transportation, lodging and similar costs associated with
attending the conference. The conference attendance must primarily benefit the university.
Consult your supervisor, dean or director with questions.
Accepting Items of Value
Employees should not accept travel, entertainment (e.g., golf outings, event tickets), or gifts from
private individuals or organizations that do business with the university if such gift could be
perceived to be given because of your status as a university employee. This rule also applies to
members of your immediate family if they receive items of value because of your university
Items of Minimal Value
Employees are generally not prohibited from accepting items of minimal value (e.g. pens,
pencils, cups, etc.) from a vendor or similar organization, unless their university position
prohibits it (e.g., health care providers).
Employee Ethics & Public Records Management
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Updated July 2018
Contract Signature Authority
Only certain designated individuals have been delegated legal authority to sign contracts on
behalf of the university. You should not sign a contract or agreement unless you have been
officially delegated by your institution’s contracting authority.
Confidential University Information
You may not use or disclose confidential university information for reasons unrelated to your
professional responsibilities or to gain anything of value for yourself or a member of your
immediate family.
UW employees should not participate in a decision to hire, retain, promote or determine the
salary of a member of their immediate family.
Reporting Ethics Violations
If you are aware of a situation involving potential misuse of university resources or other
possible ethics violations, you should report this activity to your supervisor or to the audit
hotline: https://uwaudithotline.tnwreports.com/ or (855) 827-4950
As a university employee, all records that you create or receive in connection with the
transaction of public business are public records. Proper management of public records is an
important function of your job.
Regent Policy: Public Records Management
The roles and responsibilities of university employees in properly managing public records are
set forth in Regent Policy Document 3-2 University of Wisconsin System Public Records
Management Policy, available online at: https://www.wisconsin.edu/regents/policies/
Public Records Management
Public records can be destroyed only in accordance with records destruction authorization
schedules that have been approved by the State of Wisconsin Public Records Board. The
schedules establish the length of time records must be retained before destruction or transfer to
UW Archives for permanent storage.
UW General Records Schedules
Each institution has appointed a records and forms officer to assist you with records retention
questions. General retention records schedules apply to all UW institutions and are located on the
campus records retention web site and on the UW System Office of General Counsel site.
Employee Ethics & Public Records Management
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Updated July 2018
Regent Policy: Information Technology Resources
The use of UW information technology resources by employees is governed by Regent Policy
Document 25-3 Policy on Use of University Information Technology Resources, available online
at: https://www.wisconsin.edu/regents/policies/
Electronic Records
Electronic or digital communications related to university business such as email or texts are
considered public records and must be retained in accordance with public records schedules,
even if created on personal devices. For this reason, employees are strongly encouraged to use
University resources to perform University work.
Confidentiality Required by Law
Several state and federal laws require confidentiality for some public records, such as medical or
student records. Ask your supervisor, dean or director whether any confidentiality requirements
affect your management of public records.
Supervisors have specific records retention obligations for departing employee records. Please
contact your records and forms officer for more information.
Public Access to Records
Most UW records are subject to disclosure upon request, but some records can or must be
redacted or withheld under the public records law. All UW institutions have a records custodian
who is responsible for responding to public records requests. If you receive an oral or written
request for records, do not make determinations about disclosure yourself. Instead, contact your
records custodian.
Code of Ethics for Public Officials and Employees: Wis. Stat. Section 19.45
Unclassified Staff Code of Ethics. Chapter UWS 8, Wis. Admin Code
Wisconsin Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. Section 19.31 et seq.
State of Wisconsin Executive Order #189
Electronic Records Management, Standards and Requirements: Chapter ADM 12,
Wis. Admin. Code