October 2021
Real Estate
Rent Increases and Decreases
Josef Caleff, Yves Jeanrenaud
Key Take-aways
In a recent decision, the Swiss Federal
Supreme Court has changed its previous
practice: A surcharge of 2% to the refer-
ence interest rate is now permissible for
the net return as long as the reference
interest rate is equal to or below 2%.
According to the Zurich District Court
of First Instance, impairments to the
tenant's business caused by the gov-
ernment measures to fight the COVID 19
pandemic do not constitute a defect in
the leased property.
Where the initial rent includes a sur-
charge of "significantly more than 10%",
it is presumed abusive. Further, the
standard of reasonable doubts to refute
the presumption was lowered.
Monthly Newsletter / October 2021
1 Introduction
In recent years, a number of court rulings have been issued
on rent increases or reductions, particularly in connection with
business closures due to Covid measures. In addition, political
efforts are underway to reform this area of tenancy law. This
newsletter provides an overview of the legal framework and
recent developments.
2 Rent Increases
2.1 Legal Framework
In principle, a landlord is free to increase the rent in an ongo-
ing tenancy. The landlord must notify the tenant of the rent in-
crease at least ten days before the start of the notice period on
a form approved by the canton, and provide reasons for such
increase. The rent increase is null and void if the landlord fails
to comply with these requirements. The same applies if the
landlord threatens to give - or gives - a notice of termination at
the same time as the notification.
In the case of residential and commercial premises (with
the exception of holiday homes, luxury apartments, publicly
subsidized apartments), the tenant may challenge the rent in
crease if it is abusive. A rent increase is abusive if it leads to an
abusive rent. A rent is abusive if it results in a excessive return
of investment from the rental property or if the low return on
investment is based on an obviously excessive purchase
price. As a rule, rents are not abusive if, in particular, (i) they
are within the range of the usual rents in the locality or neigh
borhood; (ii) they are justified by cost increases or additional
services provided by the landlord; (iii) in the case of newer build
ings, they are within the range of the cost-covering gross yield;
or (iv)they merely compensate for inflation on the risk-bearing
capital. The purchase price is excessive if it is 10% or more
above the income value of the property. The capitalized income
value is determined by capitalizing rents of comparable proper
ties (i.e., not the actual rents of the building) that are customary
in the locality and neighborhood. If the landlord wants to justify
the rent increase with reference to the higher rent customary in
the locality or neighborhood, he/she must present at least five
properties of the same size, location, equipment, condition
and age with a higher rent. The properties must not belong to
the landlord who wishes to increase the rent.
In case of a fixed rental period or a minimum rental
period, the rent can only be increased before the expiry of the
fixed rental period or the minimum rental period if this has been
contractually agreed. The law provides for the indexation or
staggered rent for increases during the fixed rental period or
a minimum rental period. In the case of indexation, the lease
agreement must be binding on the landlord for a period of at
least five years and an adjustment is only permitted in accord
ance with the development of the national consumer price index.
An early termination by the tenant is possible. A staggered
rent is only permitted if (i) the lease is concluded for at least three
years, (ii) the rent is increased no more than once a year and
(iii)the amount of the increase is fixed in francs. A combination
of indexation and staggered rent is not permitted.
In addition, the parties usually contractually agree that
increases in the event of new charges incurred or additional
services provided by the landlord during the fixed rental period
or the minimum rental period are also possible without taking
into account the termination dates, which is permissible
according to case law and doctrine.
2.2 Recent Case Law
Pursuant to previous case law, a rent was abusive if it resulted
in a net return on investment of more than 0.5% above the
reference interest rate (see Section 3.1). The net return on
investment is the ratio of the net income to the equity capital
invested. The net income is equal to the net rental income (ex
cluding compensation for ancillary costs) minus expenses. The
expenses, in turn, include all actual mortgage interest, manage
ment costs, and maintenance and operating costs not covered
by the tenants. In decision 4A_554/2019 of 26 October 2020,
the Federal Supreme Court changed its previous practice: Now, a
surcharge of 2% to the reference interest rate is permissible
as long as the reference interest rate is equal to or below 2%.
A rent is abusive
if it generates
an excessive income.
3 Rent Reductions
3.1 Legal Framework
The tenant may challenge the initial rent as abusive with
the conciliation authority within 30 days of taking possession
of the property and request a reduction if (i) the tenant felt
compelled to enter into the agreement because of personal or
family hardship, or because of the conditions in the local mar-
ket for residential and commercial premises; or (ii) the landlord
substantially increased the initial rent from the previous rent for
the same property.
A tenant may request a rent reduction at any time during
the term of the lease with effect from the next possible
termination date if he has reason to believe that the landlord
is earning an excessive return on investment from the rented
property. In other words, if the rent has become abusive due
to a significant change in the basis for calculation, in particular
due to a reduction in costs. In particular, a reduction in the
mortgage interest rate is deemed to be a reduction in costs.
For rent adjustments due to changes in the mortgage interest
rate, the mortgage reference interest rate as determined by
the Federal Government applies. A reduction in the reference
interest rate of 0.25% generally entitles to a reduction of 2%
if the mortgage interest rate is more than 6%, of 2.5% if the
mortgage interest rate is between 5% and 6%, and of 3%
if the mortgage interest rate is less than 5%. However, the
landlord may offset the cost savings resulting from the reduc
tion of the reference interest rate against cost increases that
Monthly Newsletter / October 2021
have occurred (since the conclusion of the lease or the last
adjustment). In this case, the rent reduction claim is reduced
accordingly. If a rent reduction is granted in full, the landlord
must expressly reserve the right to claim any other cost in
creases at a later date.
If the suitability of the property for the intended use is
impaired or lowered during the rental period due to defects,
the tenant may demand a rent reduction from the moment the
landlord became aware of the defect until the defect is reme-
died, and this regardless of the fault of the landlord.
Finally, a tenant may demand a rent reduction if this has
been contractually agreed, so in particular if the parties have
agreed on indexation and the index falls. Lease agreements
usually provide that the landlord may, but is not obliged to, ad-
just the rent in the event of a change in the index. This means
that in the event of index reduction, the landlord is not obliged
to grant a reduction.
Based on general contract law, the lease agreement and
thus the obligation to pay rent ends if the performance of the
service becomes permanently impossible. A final adjustment
is possible if the circumstances have unexpectedly changed
to such an extent that the originally agreed exchange ratio is no
longer appropriate (clausula rebus sic stantibus).
The question was
whether a closure
due to Covid
constituted a defect
of the leased premises.
3.2 Recent Case Law
3.2.1 Reduction of Initial Rent
Based on the previous practice of the Federal Supreme Court,
there was a presumption of abusiveness in the event of a sub-
stantial increase of the rent. In such case, the tenant could
demand a rent reduction. It was up to the landlord to prove
that the rent increase was not abusive. If the increase was not
substantial, the tenant had to prove the abusiveness. However,
it was unclear which increase qualified as substantial. In its de-
cision 4A_183/2020 of 6 May 2021, the Federal Supreme Court
indicated that abusiveness is now only presumed in case of an
increase of "significantly more than 10%". Further, the standard
of reasonable doubts to refute the presumption was lowered.
Consequently, non-official statistics, three to four comparable
properties (instead of four to five comparable properties), or a
long rental period of the previous tenant may be sufficient.
3.2.2 Reduction Due to Covid Measures
In the context of Covid with the mandatory closures of shops
and restaurants, the question arose whether such closures
constitute a defect of the rental property which renders the
rental property completely unusable, and therefore justifies a
rent reduction of 100%. It was further discussed that the Covid
restrictions do not constitute a defect but are a fundamen-
tal change in the circumstances which could not have been
foreseen by the parties at the time they entered into the lease
agreement (clausula rebus sic stantibus). Finally, it was con-
sidered whether this was a case of impossibility because the
landlord was not able to fulfil its obligation to provide usable
premises, and therefore no rent was owed.
In a decision of 30 March 2020, an arbitration court in
Lucerne found that closures due to Covid qualify as a defect of
the property, that there was a disproportion between the rent
and the right to use the property, and that a rent reduction of
60% was appropriate. In a first-instance ruling of the Zurich
District Court of 23 April 2021, the court did not exclude a
rent reduction based on the clausula rebus sic stantibus.
However, in decision MJ210008-L of 2 August 2021,
the Zurich District Court of First Instance ruled that in a lease
agreement "as a general rule, the agreed quality of the leased
property only relates to property-related conditions and not
also business-related conditions." Furthermore, the Zurich
District Court held that the landlord only undertook to "provide,
for a consideration, premises in which the tenant can carry on
his business - this business, however, unless otherwise agreed,
is not part of the lease, but exists independently of it and is part
of the legal sphere of the tenant." Pursuant to the Zurich Dis-
trict Court, the impact of the governmental measures to fight
the pandemic on the tenant's business does not constitute
adefect in the leased property.
The court also held that, in the absence of continuity,
there was no case of impossibility. Finally, the court consid
ered whether there was a case of clausula rebus sic stantibus.
The court did not rule this out. In particular, it left open the
question whether the official closures were sufficiently unex
pected. However, this argumentation was also rejected by
the court in the case concerned, as the tenant did not suffi
ciently prove the extent to which the relatively short-term clo-
sure of the business had affected him (for example, by disclos-
ing the business books). Overall, at least in the case concerned,
the Zurich District Court rejected a reduction of the rent due to
the Covid measures. The decisions taken by the courts in other
cases will depend on the specific contractual clauses as well as
the effective - or at least possible - use of the premises during
the official closure in the cases in question.
4 Conclusion
The latest decisions of the Federal Supreme Court and the
District Court of Zurich regarding rent increases and rent
reductions are rather landlord-friendly. At least in the question
of rent reductions in the case of closures due to Covid, the
question arises as to how the higher instances will decide. Po-
litical efforts regarding rents tend to be tenant-friendly. These
include the (Carlo) Sommaruga and Badran parliamentary ini-
tiatives, which call for a periodic review of yields, and the Töngi
parliamentary initiative, which proposes that the proportion of
value-enhancing investments (which entitle to rent increases)
be reduced in the case of renovations. It remains to be seen
which trend will prevail.
Monthly Newsletter / October 2021
Amanda Burnand Sulmoni
Counsel Geneva
Josef Caleff
Partner Zurich
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Yves Jeanrenaud
Partner Geneva
Dr. Christine Beusch-Liggenstorfer
Of Counsel Zurich